Thursday, December 17, 2009

Facebook and TripIt Get Trippy

This morning, at long last, TripIt announced a Facebook app that allows TripIt users to integrate their itineraries into their News Feed. Much like TripIt's LinkedIn connectivity, it allows users to share their plans (or not) but on a much larger platform.

Not only will your FB friends be able to see when and where you are headed (if you choose to allow them of course) but they'll also be able to suggest places to eat, things to do, people to meet and who knows what else. No longer will I have to update my status: "Just landed in Antananarivo" - everyone will already know.

In TripIt's (cheeky) example below, it appears that people can even schedule a contract review through FB! Is FB on track to take over email/outlook as a primary business communications device as well? Probably not but at least it is now possible to separate "work" friends from all those people you went to high school with that are now your "friends" even though you barely spoke 20 years ago!

Bravo to TripIt.

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